(Images and video via: NYCDreamin Archives)
After waiting excitedly for a few months for the day of this show to arrive, it was kind of a drag to come home from work yesterday only to find the Gorgeous One not feeling very well. By the time it was time to leave for Minneapolis, her headache was still pounding away and she was really not feeeling much better. So, after some discussion and with more than some regret, she decided to skip the show and sent me on my way to rock and roll solo. I tenderly kisssed her soft pouty lips goodbye and was soon on my way for a date with the Dolls and the Crue! Oh, and Poison, too.
After doing battle with the always horrid Friday-at-5:00pm Twin Cities rush hour traffic conditions for the better part of an hour, I arrived in downtown Minneapolis, parked the car and walked several blocks out of my way to grab a quick and as-always tasty bite to eat at Chipotle. Meal almost inatantaneously devoured and a ravenous hunger satiated, it was time to walk over to the Target Center and enjoy one of the finer things in life...a good old fashioned Friday evening rock and roll show.
A few blocks from the arena I spied a guy on the street looking for a ticket. I said I had one (since the Gorgeous One was forced to sit this one out) and I'd give it up for $15.00. He said $10.00. Or no deal. So I said OK...figuring $10 back out of the $25 original price was better than nothing. It would buy me a soda and nachos at the show or something I figured. I handed him the ticket, took my money, thanked the guy and continued on my way.
I arrived a at the Target Center a few minutes later. The doors were already open and people were making their way inside the arena. I fished my ticket out of my wallet and joined the line and was quickly inside and on my way up to the upper deck. I stopped by the concession booth and grabbed a large soda and M&M's. Then I checked out the t-shirt booth - nothing really jumped out at me except the $60.oo Motley Crue "Pentagram" hoodie - but I wasn't spending that kind of cash, so I passed - and went in and found my seat, ate my M&M's and slurped at my soda and waited for the show to begin. The people continued to trickle in slowly but it was soon obvious that the Dolls would be playing to a nearly empty hall as it seemed people were taking their sweet old time to arrive late to catch the headliners. Their loss. Just after 7:30pm, the house lights went out and the Dolls sauntered out on stage to a smattering of applause from the scant crowd that had assembeled thusfar. I was on the edge of my seat...ready and waiting for it. I don't think most of those in attendance knew what to expect...I did.
Looking For A Kiss
Dance Like A Monkey
And around this point it the set, the band locked into their groove and really began to lay it down...
Cause I Sez So
Who Are The Mystery Girls?
And then they took it down a notch...
Talk To Me Baby
Kids Like You
...and then it was BAM! Right back to kickin' some serious ass!
Personality Crisis
I was thinking to myself, "They almost sound like a metal band!" They were kicking serious serious ass at this point and those who arrived late really missed out. Before the show I was afraid the Dolls would be swallowed up by the "bigness" of the stage production and the size of the Target Center - they're mostly a "club" band after all...but I needn't have worried. Their set was brilliant, they came across with HUGE personality - rocking as if the hall was filled to capacity, which, by the time they finished up, was still not the reality of the situation unfortunately. But after each song they got a nice applause from the people who were there, which was nice to hear. I'm hoping they won over some new fans here because they worked hard for it. Bravo Dolls...thanks for bringing a bit of that beloved NYC 70's R&R sound to Minneapolis.
And they still had one more blast from the past left up their sleeve before their all-too brief set was over...
Jet Boy
...and then they were gone. The house lights came up and I got up from my seat to stretch a bit and to go outside and have a smoke. I didn't really feel the need to sit and watch the set change for Poison...or to actually even see Poison at all for that matter. So I got up and made my way outside to smoke...and to call The Gorgeous One and see how she was feeling and report to her the smashing brilliance of the Dolls' set.
CONTINUED in "06/24/11 - Part II - Motley Crue"