Which brings us to today's entry...
(Image via: NYCDreamin Archives)
Various Artists
Black Night: Deep Purple Tribute According To New York
Released: 1997
A few choice quotes about this CD from some reviews on Amazon.com:
John M. Garvin:
This is a first-rate production of INTERPRETATIONS of some choice Deep Purple tunes. The musicians are excellent and the arrangements are great. The gutty and funky rock and roll blasting (actually just one thump short of distortion) from the system is infectious. Each track is distinctive and maintains that NY edge. Perhaps these guys ought collaborate more often to do an "According to New York" series on other legendary and timeless classic rock bands or songs. This is a perfect start.
Frank Beltran:
This CD adds elements of funk, soul, reggae, and the songs are rearranged to make things interesting, yet it still rocks in the right places. Who wants to to hear the old songs done the same way that Purple did anyways! The players include Joe Lynn Turner (ex of DP/Rainbow), Corey Glover (Living Coulour), Ritchie Kotzen,and Tony Harnell sharing the vocals, along with Al Pitrelli, Vinnie Moore, and Kotzen handle the guitars with Lars Y. Loudamp making a special guest appearance as the lead guitarist on "Burn", a.k.a. Yngwie Malmsteen, who actually turns in a decent performance for a change, and a bunch of other great musicians (Will Calhoun,Cindy Blackmon,etc.) TM Stevens, that funky bass player is the guy who put this together. Check it out and if you go into it with an open mind, you just may dig this record it has a cool swagger and vibe. Enjoy.
I've never heard this CD - looks like something I might have to pick up at some point...