Old Postcards from New York City to Back Home #29: The Little Church Around The Corner

1955 Little Church Around The Corner Postcard (Front)
The Little Church Around The Corner, New York City. Although enforcing strict regulations, more than 50,000 marriages have been performed in this edifice. Founded in 1848, it has gained world-wide fame for the beautiful Bride's Alter.
(Images via: NYCDreamin Archives)

1955 Little Church Around The Corner Postcard (Reverse)

Mailed to:
Mrs. Glen Hanson
Howarden, IA

07/30/55 (I think...kinda hard to make this one out.)

Card reads:
Dear Alma, I am missing a check which should have come to Howarden about July 20th. I am wondering if it could have gotten mixed up with my 2nd class mail. Sorry to bother you. - Cod.

*View a previous Postcard from New York with another image of The Little Church Around The Corner HERE.


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