A New York Minute: 07/09/1776 New Yorkers Behead & Disfigure Statue Of King George III

July 1776 New Yorkers Take Vengence On Statue of King George III
New York crowd taking vengence on statue of King George III.

Time Magazine - The 1776 Issue
Originaly Published: 1975

Tyrant Transmuted
Apparently all things will have their uses in this war, even a statue of scepter-weilding, toga-robed King George III. The 2-ton equestrian figure of gold-leafed lead was installed at New York's Bowling Gren just six years ago to symbolize a "deep sense of the eminent and singular benefits received from him." This week, after the Declaration of Independence was officially read to the populace on the Common in the presence of General Gorge Washington, a huge crowd surged down Broad Way to wreak vengence on the statue. Having drunk plenty of rum and ale, the crowd first pulled the royal horse from it's pedestal, then hacked off the King's head, fired a musket shot into it, pounded away the nose and pried off the laurel wreath. With fife and drums playing The Rogues March, the crowd carried off the mangled head, which eventually disappeared. The carcass is to be cut up and shipped to Connecticut, where patriotic women plan to melt the lead down into ammuntition. Estimated result: more than 42,000 bullets with which to drive out the fallen King's lobsterbacks.

*Additional artistic renderings of this event can be viewed by clicking each link below:
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