A New York Minute: April 24, 1789 - General Washington Arrives In NYC For His Innaugeration As The First President Of The United States

1789 Washington Entering New York For Innaugeration0001
Washington entering New York for his innaugeration.
(Source: Time Magazine - The Bicentennial Issue (1976)

Text Source: Unknown (Excerpt from an unknown book)

Even before the early ratifications of the Constitution, Washington had been designated bu public opinion for the first President. He modestly tried to refuse the honor. Fifty-six years old, he declared that he had no "wish but that of living and dying an honest man on my own farm." But the nation insisted, and borrowing some money for travelling expenses, he set out for the temporary capital, New York. He was to take the oath of office April 30, 1789. One of the leading Federalists in New Jersey, Elias Boudinot, helped conduct him to his duties and set down an animated narrative of the scenes they encountered.

-My Dearest Wife:
If it was in my power, I could wish to give you an adequate account of the proceedings of the citizens of this metropolis on the approach and the reception of our President when he arrived here yesterday, April 24, 1789.

When we drew near the mouth of the Kills, a number of boats with various flags came up with us and dropped in our wake. Soon after we opened the bay, General Knox and several generals in a large boat presented themselves with their splendid colors. Boat after boat and sloop after sloop added to our train, gaily dressed in all their naval ornaments, made a most splendid appearance. Before we got to Bedloe Island, a large sloop came with full sail on our starboard bow, when there stood up about 20 gentlemen and ladies and with most excellent voices sang an elegant ode prepared for the purpose, to the tune of "God Save The King," welcoming their great chief to the seat of government. On the conclusion we gave them our hats, and they with the surrounding boats gave us three cheers. Soon after, another boat came under our stern and presented us with a number of copies of another ode, and immediately about a dozen gentlemen began to sing it in parts as we passed along. Our worthy President was greatly affected with these tokens of profound respect.

As we approached the harbor, our train increased, and teh huzzahing and shouts of joy seemed to ad life to this lively scene. At this moment a number of porpoises came playing amongst us, as if they had risen up to know what was the cause of all this joy. We now discovered the shores covered with thousands of people - men, women, and children - nay, I may venture to say tens of thousands. From the fort to the place of landing although near half a mile, you could see little else along the shores - in the streets and on board every vessel - but heads standing as thick as ears of corn before the harvest. The vesseals in the harbor made a superb appearance indeed, dressed in all the pomp and attire. The Spanish packet in a moment, on a signal given, discovered twenty-seven or twenty-eight different colors of all nations on every part of the rigging and paid us the compliment of thirteen guns, with her yeards all manned, as did another vessel in the harbor, displaying colors in the same manner. I have omitted the like compliment from the battery of eighteen-pounders.

We soon arrived at the ferry stairs where there were many thousands of the citizens waiing with all the eagerness of expectation to welcome our excellent patriot to that shore, which he had regained from a powerful enemy by his valor and good conduct. We found the stairs covered with carpeting and the rails hung with crimson. The President, being preceded by the committee, was received by the Governor and the citizens in the most brilliant manner. He was met on the wharf by many of his old faithful officers and fellow patriots who had borne the heat and burden of teh day with him, and who, like him, had experienced every reverse of fortune with fortitude and patience, and who now joined the universal chorus of welcoming their great deliverer (under Providence) from their fears.

It was with difficulty a passage could be made by the troops through the pressing crowds, who seemed to be incapable of being satisfied by gazing at this man of the people. You will see the particulars of this processin, from the wharf to the house appointed for his residence, in the newspapers. The streets were lined with the inhabitants as thick as people could stand and it required al the exertions of a numerous train of city officers, with their staffs, to make a passage for the company. The houses were filled with gentlemen and ladies, the whole distance being half a mile, and the windows to the highest stories were illuminated by the sparkling eyes of innumerable companies of ladies, who seemed to vie with each other to show their joy on this great occasion. It was half an hour before we could finish our commission and convey the President to the house prepared for his residence. As soon as this was done, notwithstanding his great fatigue of both body and mind, he had to receive all the gentlemen and officers to a very large ammount who wished to show their respect in the most affectionate manner. When this was finished, and the people disappeared, we went, undressed, and dined with his Excellency Governor Clinton, who had provided an elegant dinner for the purpose. Thus ended our commission.

The evening, though very wet, was spent by all ranks in visiting the city, street after street being illuminated in a superb manner. I cannot help stating now how highly we were favored in the weather, the whole procession having been completely finished and we had repaired to the Governor's before it began to rain. When the President was on the wharf, an officer came up and, addressing the President, said he had the honor to command his guard, and it was ready to obey his orders. The President answered that as to the present arrangement he should proceed as directed, but that after that was over, he hoped he would give himself no further trouble, as the affections of his fellow citizens (turning to the crowd) was all the guard he wanted.

Good night. May God bless you.
Elias Boudinot (In a leter to his wife)


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